Friday, April 17, 2015


Hey guys! Hope you all have had a great Friday! We already miss you so much.  Our day began very early this morning. We were up at 3:45 and arrived at the airport and got checked in/through security with about 30 minutes to spare. This worked out perfectly for that "someone" who is a nervous flyer and does not do well sitting and waiting. 

The first leg of our trip from Charlotte to Pheonix was a  bumpy ride.  Thankfully towards the end it evened out and was clear and beautiful. Toby and I enjoyed looking out the window over New Mexico and Arizona. So different from our neck of the woods. 

We were supposed to have 1 hour and a half before boarding flight to Honolulu. This turned into a 3 hour layover because of mechanical issues on original plane. They ended up  transferring us to another plane that came in from Cancun.  This flight was much calmer with little to no turbulence. After six more hours in the air we were very ready to get off the plane. We arrived in Honolulu at 3:50 which would be almost 10:00, normal time. 

Right now it is 8:34 which would mean we are  1 hour away from being up for 24 hours! It is time to go to bed! Hopefully I will be able to post pictures tomorrow. The computer is not letting me log on to the website so I am having to update on my phone.  Talk to you soon! Love and miss you all!


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