Thursday, September 22, 2011

Favorite time of the year...

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall! My favorite time of the year. I really love summertime but there is something magical about fall. The pretty colors and decorations, watching Grant play football and cool, crisp nights. I love it!!!

Grant is still going strong playing football and I still feel like a taxi cab driver. ;) 

 Payton has now started gymnastics on Fridays so everyday is go, go, go!  She has been going to preschool now for a month and loves it!! She is really enjoying it so much more than I imagined she would. Praise the Lord!!!

 I completely forgot to do a post about her glasses. We took her to an eye specialist in July because she had one eye that was crossing. I assumed it was a lazy eye but when they did an exam they determined that she was far-sighted in both eyes. She has really done amazingly well with glasses. Don't get me wrong, it did take getting used to. At first I would only make her wear them a couple of hours a day. Now she wears them all day. She will say "I need my glasses so I can see".
 First day of glasses.

On a more serious topic, Toby will be getting ordained this Sunday night. I have been thinking all week about what a special service this will be. Toby has been preaching for the past 14 months but has not been ordained since he hasn't been called to be a pastor of a church until now. There will be 3 preachers that will be conducting the service (one is his grandfather and another his great-uncle) and lots of other ordained deacons and preachers helping. I always go back to what Toby said the day he announced his calling. He told the congregation that the Lord has blessed his family so much the past 10 years and if this is what the Lord has called us to do we will gladly accept and try to give back what we can to Him. I think about this often on the more stressful days. ;) God has blessed us over and over again and it started with placing us together. I thank the Lord for giving me Toby as a husband and father.

My sweet, silly boy. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

30th birthday and Football!!!

August 18 was my 30th birthday. Can't believe I am really 30! It was a wonderful day but sort of glad it has come and gone. Too much hype over the big 3-0!!

Me on my birthday!!

Football has officially started for Grant. They had their first game last Saturday and won!! So proud of them.  It is a really busy schedule but I am trying to enjoy every minute. I  know there will come a time that I will miss all of this and wonder how it went by so fast. In saying that today was so nice because it was a half day and we got to come home and stay. No rushing home, getting homework done and eating supper then back out the door for practice. It was heavenly!!

Toby and I went to Payton's preschool meeting last night and met with her teachers. I am so excited about this year for her. I really hope this is her year to come out of her shell and really get ready for kindergarten. At home she is very talkative and soooooo dramatic. At school it has always taken her a long time to get warmed up to her schedule, teachers, ect. and since she only goes 3 hours, 3 days a week I feel like she never really gets to where she needs to be. I have high hopes for this year. I have been praying a lot for her. Not that she is struggling or needs any kind of help. I can just see her potential at home and I want her to be able to be that person in public and with her friends.  I know that I was a lot like that when I was younger so I know where she gets it from ;)

Roasting marshmellows a couple of nights before school started back .   :)

First day of fourth grade!